At Meath School the value and impact of computing is clearly visible to our pupils across the school day as it reaches into all areas of the curriculum. Our pupils are motivated to use software on iPads to talk and enhance their communication, while the use of digital imagery and Smart boards is integral in promoting learning, providing our pupils with a very visual way of engaging with the curriculum.  The use of typing, touch screens and grids gives pupils with fine motor difficulties a means and motivation to record their thoughts and ideas which can be shared with both adults and peers.

Through the study of computing at Meath School the children will be able to learn a wealth of  fundamental, transferable skills, knowledge and understanding that will help equip them for life in the digital world beyond school and help them to grow as digital citizens, who can access the digital world safely. The curriculum will be modified appropriately to make its content and concepts accessible, motivating and relevant to our pupils.

Aims for our pupils at Meath

In line with the current National Curriculum for computing our aim is

  • To develop skills in using hardware and software to manipulate information, support creativity and learning across the curriculum
  • Through the study of computer science to develop programming and problem solving skills that ensure a desired outcome is produced using activities that are relevant and engaging for our pupils
  • To understand and access the world through digital means safely, while growing in digital competence and becoming responsible digital citizens