Kingfisher Class

Welcome to the Kingfisher Class Page! This is where you can find out about what we’ve been up to recently in Kingfisher Class, read our newsletter and see some examples of our work.

Class Teacher:

Lindsay Parker

Speech and Language Therapists:

Rebecca Mottram

Learning Support Assistants:

Jayne Jones

Sonia Loggia

Tammy Jelley

Talk Learn Grow

These are the Talk Learn Grow targets for our class:


T1 – Listen to contributions of others in group activities

T2 – Answer questions relating to cause and effect, e.g. ‘why?’ (Blanks Level 4)

T3 – Show awareness of the listener by staying on topic in conversations


L1 – Begin to reflect on, when questioned, what we have achieved

L2 – Play and work cooperatively; taking turns and sharing activities in less demanding situations


G1– Realise that feelings help them decide what to do. Use simple strategies to make themselves and others feel better

G2 –Begin to understand the size of a problem and show simple problem solving skills

The Zones of Regulation

We use the Zones of Regulation to help us to become more aware of how we are feeling. We learn strategies to help us stay in the green zone or move back to the green zone so that we are ‘ready to learn’.

Useful links

We are learning to touch type using this website:

Visit Typing Club’s website

Log on and practise your skills and speed!

We log on to Seesaw for home learning:

Visit Seesaw’s website

What will you do on Seesaw this weekend?

We log on to Reading Eggs to enjoy more books:

Visit Reading Eggs website

We love reading in Jellyfish Class

Curriculum Map