
Our education provision has been rated as Outstanding since 2007 and was last inspected in June 2023.

As a special school with residential facilities, we are also required to be inspected annually by Ofsted under the Social Care Common Inspection Framework (SCCIF). We were rated Outstanding in our care inspection in the 2022/23 academic year.

What does Ofsted say about us?

"The harmonious collaboration between the therapy and education teams forms the core provision. This powerful blending of expertise means pupils receive a genuinely integrated curriculum.

Pupils at Meath School flourish. The values of ‘talk, learn, grow’ are at the heart of all that the school does. Every aspect of learning is centred around equipping pupils to become confident and independent communicators. As a result, they learn to overcome any barriers to learning, and they develop their resilience and motivation to succeed.”

Please find the full Ofsted reports below:

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Click below to see the full report below.

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Click below to see the full report below.

Click below to see the full report below.