School meals

Children who attend Meath School are provided with a hot dinner each day and a healthy morning snack

Example menu

Example menu
Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
BreakfastCereal, Toast, Fruit, YoghurtCereal, Toast, Fruit, YoghurtCereal, Toast, Fruit, YoghurtCereal, Toast, Fruit, Yoghurt, Egg
LunchVegan Red Lentil and Vegetable Curry (red lentils, sweet potato, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli), riceSalmon Pasta Bake, Broccoli, green beansTurkey, Potatoes, carrots and Parsnips, Gravy Fruit and yoghurtShepherd's Pie, Cabbage and Cauliflower Fruit and yoghurtFish fingers, chips and beans Ice cream
Special Diets: Vegetarian/vegan: vegetable pasta bakeSpecial Diets: Vegetarian/ vegan: vegan burger/ vegan filletsSpecial Diets: Vegetarian/vegan: vegan minceSpecial Diets: Vegetarian/ vegan: vegan fish fingers
DinnerBurgers, potato wedges, sweetcorn and carrots Pudding: Strawberry cheesecakeJacket Potatoes, beans, tuna, cheese and salad Pudding: Fruit jellySandwiches Tuna mayo, ham, grated cheese, pepper, carrot and cucumber sticks Pudding: Pineapple upside down cakeChicken wraps Tortilla wraps, chicken, mixed peppers and carrot in tomato sauce, grated cheese, salad Pudding: Angel delight
Special diets: Vegetarian/vegan burgersSpecial Diets:Special Diets:Special Diets: Vegetarian/vegan option