Attendance and absence
What to do if your child is ill or needs to miss a day of school

To report your child’s absence from school, please ring the main office on 01932 872302 by 9.30AM stating clearly their name, their class and a specific reason for their absence i.e. if they are ill please state the specific illness.
As a school, we aim that students’ attendance is at least 94% across the year. To put this in concrete terms, the following table shows the number of school days per year missed at different percentages of attendance.
Percentage attendance | Days lost in a year | Hours of learning lost |
97% | 6 days | 30 hours |
95% | 9 days (almost 2 school weeks) | 45 hours |
93% | 13 days | 65 hours |
90% (threshold for Persistent Absenteeism | 19 days (nearly 4 school weeks) | 95 hours |
85% | 28.5 days (juts under a typical half term) | 142.5 hours |
80% | 38 days (over half a term) | 190 hours |
Multiply this by 6 to reflect the 6 years of primary education and students with 95% attendance or lower
across their time at the school will have missed at least 45 days (270 hours) of learning time!
A student with 80% attendance will have missed the equivalent of a whole year.
We would therefore ask that you try to ensure that your son/daughter achieves the best possible
attendance this year. The Winter and Spring Terms are traditionally period of seasonal illness and, whilst we want to stress that students should not attend school if they are genuinely unfit for learning, we would ask that this is kept to the minimum required for them to recover.
View our school Attendance Policy
To report a medical appointment or your child as absent, please use the contact form below:
Alternatively, you can ring the office and press option 1 to leave a message.