Cake Sale for Action Aid

On Friday 7th March Kingfisher Class had a cake sale to raise money for Action Aid. We are pleased to announce that we raised £186!

Cake Sale for Action Aid

On Friday 7th March Kingfisher Class had a cake sale to raise money for Action Aid. We are pleased to announce that we raised £186!.

Why? As part of their Children Around the World lessons, Kingfisher class have been learning about child labour during the Industrial Revolution. They have also been learning about children’s rights around the world – as part of their work on Rights Respecting Schools.

The children discovered that child labour is not just a thing of the past (from the time of the Industrial Revolution) but that some children around the world are still working – today – instead of going to school. They found out that in Bangladesh, children are working in textiles factories – working long hours in dangerous conditions – and are not able to go to school. The Kingfisher Class children thought that this was very unfair and that the children should have the right to be safe, to learn and have fun!

We found out about a great project run by Action Aid, in Dhaka Bangladesh, called Happy Home. In the Happy Home children were safe, they could learn and also have fun with friends. Kingfisher Class wanted to give some money to the Happy Home project, so they first voted on different ways to raise money and then decided to run a cake sale. Next, the children produced lovely colourful posters advertising the event and put them up around the school. Then, on the week of the event, Kingfisher parents and carers generously donated cakes to be sold at the event.

On the afternoon of the event, all of the children had a turn on the cake stall- talking to customers, taking their payment and serving delicious cakes! We even had a visit from Neil (from Speech and Language UK) and some parents after school who also bought cakes.

The children are now in the process of writing a letter to Action Aid which we will be sending off soon, along with the money raised – £186 – as well as some photos from the day.

The whole event has been an amazing experience for the Kingfisher Class children. They have learnt a lot about the lives of other children around the world and feel proud to have been able to do something themselves to help.